Monday, December 19, 2011

Wine Snob: L'insolite Malbec


I had an absolutely fabulous Malbec recently I wanted a glass of wine with the wonderful mushroom we had about a week ago. It was the night Cerinthus flew into town. I have mostly tried Argentinian Malbecs but this one is French and it was wonderful.

The L'insolite was the color of the Japanese plumbs outside my window-- a beautiful purple color. The scent was of musty cherries and antique book leather. It was wonderful. The flavor changed over time. I decanted it for about 30 minutes as recommended, but I also drank it slowly with the food an it evolved over time. At first there was a raspberry flavor with a slightly sour bite. There was also a warm note-- a little like wood) with the slightest hint of wood. There was also a pinch of unrefined cacao. The flavor lingered in the mouth as though it was stuck to the tongue or the roof of the mouth. Delicious.

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